Friday 6 January 2012

Love Fridays

It's true...I do love Fridays.  In fact, I kind of live for them.  I've been working a long, long time. Not including picking fruit in the Okanagan most summers, it all started full time in the Vernon Star Laundry when I was just15 years old.  I had to go to work 'cause I booted out of school and I wasn't going to sit around my parents house doing nothing and without money.  I think it was my dad the barber who cut the hair of someone who either owned or knew who ran the laundry.  I only worked there for the summer.  In the fall I got a job at the Vernon Hospital doing the same thing.  From there the Navy when I turned 17 and since that time very few breaks in employment till this day.
Of all the jobs I have performed in my life and there were many, who would have thought that I would be still be working at almost 66 years of age, and driving a city bus no less.  I could never have planned it this way.
Over the years I have worked in sawmills, grocery stores, bakeries, laundries, meteorological stations, production plants, souvenir shops, trucking distribution, and of course Naval ships and shore stations.  So from all of that, who could guess that driving a bus would fit in there somewhere?  Actually when I think a little more about it, it makes sense because nothing else really established a logical pattern so driving, why not?
I am looking forward to retirement but I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it.  I am somewhat of a hyper person (my wife jokingly says I have attention deficit disorder) so sitting around is not going to work.  And I like having money in my pocket which is also somewhat of a concern.  Living on a pension in this city can be quite the challenge.
So, one day at a time, I am still here driving a bus and trying hard to remember why it's so much fun!!!

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